Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty is a type of operation performed to correct the area called excess, looseness and sagging in the abdominal region, which is also seen in people who lose weight or have normal sizes. Due to rapid weight changes, pregnancy and genetic characteristics, excess fat tissue in the abdomen cannot be removed; It is an operation that is frequently preferred by both men and women. Abdominoplasty is performed by removing the fat tissue in the abdomen.
Abdominoplasty is very important, especially because it gives fast results and removes non-melting fat. Since some fat tissues do not go away no matter how much exercise is done, this problem is easily solved with tummy tuck. Since it is a surgical intervention, a visible difference is obtained. Genetic or acquired adipose tissues can be taken later; It also fulfills the self-confidence of the person.
Estewella Clinic, compared to other clinics in the sector, focuses on the medical history and wishes of more patients and applies patient satisfaction-oriented procedures. Despite the effort and time spent, the fat mass remaining in our stomach makes us all unhappy; We solve these problems from the root with the tummy tuck procedure. As Estewella Clinic, it offers you the healthiest solutions in line with your needs and wishes with its professional and expert staff; We ensure that your body gets a perfect form. We inform you in detail about the steps before and after the tummy tuck operation, in order to make the process easier.
If you want your body to have a fit look, contact us without waiting any longer!
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